3rd September, 2009

EnviroWaste pioneers renewable energy generation from landfill sites in New Zealand

The Honourable Nick Smith, NZ Minister for the Environment, formally opened a third Landfill Gas to Energy Plant at Ironbridge portfolio company, EnviroWaste, on 2 September 2009. The third Landfill Gas to Energy Plant is at the Hampton Downs landfill in Waikato. The plant will generate 2MW of electricity 24/7 and supply all of the landfill site's needs, as well as supply surplus energy into the national grid. The Plant joins two other existing EnviroWaste Landfill Gas to Energy projects in Auckland at Rosedale and Greenmount. Together, the plants will supply more than 11 megawatts of electricity - enough to supply around 11,000 households.

The plant takes rubbish from as far afield as Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga. The collection and combustion of landfill gas avoids the emission to atmosphere of large quantities of methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas, recognized internationally as being 21 times more harmful in terms of global warming than carbon dioxide. The generation of base load electricity from this gas then offsets power generated from other resources, including fossil fuels. Hence, there is a two-fold impact on New Zealand's overall carbon footprint from this first stage of development of an estimated 75,000 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent.

EnviroWaste was the first landfill operator in New Zealand to harness the gas from its landfills for the generation of electricity. EnviroWaste and Ironbridge recognise the environmental benefits and economic value inherent in landfill gas and are committed to being strong advocates for environmental responsibility in waste management.


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